THE Job Board for Medical Professionals

5 Tips For The Pharmacy Job Seeker

[jbp-job-browse-btn][jbp-expert-browse-btn][jbp-job-post-btn][jbp-expert-post-btn url=”” text=”Become An Expert” view=”loggedout”][jbp-expert-post-btn url=”” text=”Create Profile(s)” view=”loggedin”][jbp-my-job-btn][jbp-expert-profile-btn text=”My Profile(s)”] My fans have been asking me if I have any tips for the pharmacy job seeker. That is, the new graduates who recently entered, or will be entering, the saturated pharmacy market. Truth is, I have already covered this topic in the past, […]

I Can’t Find A Pharmacy Job! – An Email From “Jane”

[jbp-job-browse-btn][jbp-expert-browse-btn][jbp-job-post-btn][jbp-expert-post-btn url=”” text=”Become An Expert” view=”loggedout”][jbp-expert-post-btn url=”” text=”Create Profile(s)” view=”loggedin”][jbp-my-job-btn][jbp-expert-profile-btn text=”My Profile(s)”] A few weeks ago I got into an email conversation with a new pharmacy graduate who was experiencing difficulty obtaining employment after graduation in the now saturated pharmacist market. She (let’s call her “Jane”) came to me, as many others do, seeking advice […]