by F. Zaria Chinelo, Pharm.D. | Oct 28, 2013 | MEDICATIONS, RESOURCES, STUDY GUIDES
DESCRIPTION A peptide is defined as low molecular weight polymers of less than 40 amino acids joined together by amide linkages. Oxytocin, often abbreviated OXT, is included in this group and is a nonapeptide, meaning that it contains a sequence of nine peptides. The...
by F. Zaria Chinelo, Pharm.D. | Oct 27, 2013 | CLINICAL CHARTS, RESOURCES, STUDY GUIDES
This clinical chart covers what hormone stimulates what gland? TSH Thyroid Gland ACTH Adrenal Gland LH and FSH Testes and Ovaries GH Insulin Like Growth Factor One (IGF-1) Prolactin Found an error in this article? Please contact us! Last updated October...
by F. Zaria Chinelo, Pharm.D. | Oct 26, 2013 | CLINICAL CHARTS, RESOURCES, STUDY GUIDES
Ever wondered which releasing factors stimulate the secretion of which respective hormone in the pituitary gland? Or what inhibits the secretion of hormones in the pituitary gland? This clinical chart provides the answer. Stimulators Via Positive Regulation Thyroid...
by F. Zaria Chinelo, Pharm.D. | Oct 25, 2013 | PHARMACY VIDEOS, RESOURCES, STUDY GUIDES
This video series provides an overview of endometriosis, as originally presented by F. Zaria Chinelo, CEO of Felicity Motivational Group. More videos in this series: In Pictures – Endometriosis An Overview (Part 1) In Pictures – Endometriosis An Overview...
by F. Zaria Chinelo, Pharm.D. | Oct 24, 2013 | PHARMACY VIDEOS, RESOURCES, STUDY GUIDES
This video series provides an overview of endometriosis, as originally presented by F. Zaria Chinelo, CEO of Felicity Motivational Group. More videos in this series: In Pictures – Endometriosis An Overview (Part 1) In Pictures – Endometriosis An Overview...
by F. Zaria Chinelo, Pharm.D. | Oct 23, 2013 | NEWS, PHARMACY VIDEOS, RESOURCES, STUDY GUIDES
This video series provides an overview of endometriosis, as originally presented by F. Zaria Chinelo, CEO of Felicity Motivational Group. More videos in this series: In Pictures – Endometriosis An Overview (Part 1) In Pictures – Endometriosis An Overview...