Brentwood, Tennessee
Press Release
Contact: Vladimire Herard
Phone: 800.595.1106
NOVEMBER 12, 2014
BRENTWOOD, TENN., PharmPsych.com has expanded its pages to offer employers a more effective way of recruiting and retaining top-flight medical talent.
One of six sister sites in the Pharm Psych network and a medical communications company, PharmPsych.com introduces its Careers pages to private and public organizations seeking calibre candidates.
PharmPsych.com/Careers lists experts in their field complete with their biographies, photos, social media contacts and, in some cases, their public portfolios of work products.
Potential candidates include pharmacists, medical specialists, nurses, allied health staff, ancillary health care personnel, medical writers and non-medical professionals. Pharm Psych Careers affords employers full-time, part-time and contract-based opportunities.
The Careers pages allows visitors — both employers and job seekers — to browse jobs or experts, post jobs, organize their job hunt, create their job profiles or expert portfolios and accounts.
The PharmPsych network includes its anchor site, PharmPsych.net, its medical sites PharmPsych.com, MediPreneur.org and PharmaPreneur.org, and its educational sites TutorforGood.org, FelicityMotivational.org and FelicityTutors.com.
F Zaria Chinelo, the founding CEO and president of the PharmPsych network, is a pharmacist, artist, scientist, and entrepreneur. Chinelo possesses six years of experience in teaching education, and web development. She holds dual degrees in molecular biology and general chemistry.
After being hired by Vanderbilt University, Chinelo led urban students to academic success before starting the nonprofit Felicity Motivational Group. She has been honored as a National Merit Scholar and by Texas Instruments for her achievements.
PharmPsych.com is an educational partner and affiliate of the nonprofit Felicity Motivational Group. PharmPsych’s mission is the same as that of Felicity Motivational Group’s — to inform minds, transform health, and change lives by providing health and educational services to the general public.
The Group is a nonprofit corporation, and the parent company of Tutor for Good and is the official nonprofit corporation (child) of Felicity Tutors, L.L.C.
The company informs minds by implementing academic support initiatives for students. It transforms health by furnishing wellness resources to local communities. Felicity Motivational Group fosters excellence by collaborating with various disciplines to create an environment for breakthrough innovation, which ultimately has a positive impact on people’s lives.